
I was travelling in MTC bus, wanted to go to Thiruvanmiyur. Gave hundred rupees note to the conductor to buy ticket. The moment I showed hundred rupees note, I saw horrifying facial expression from him.

He gently opened his bag and showed it to me. I don’t have clue on why he is doing it at that moment.

He shouted at me with frustration and anger.

"Look, I don’t have any single penny for change, where will I go for change if everyone gives me hundred rupees note?" he said.

Suddenly I understood the situation and told him "I have the change".

    …I gave change to him, thought he would become calm and leave me this time, but still he doesn’t felt to leave me.

Again he started shouting at me, saying

"Though you have the change, but you are not giving it".

I felt so embarrassed after buying the ticket. I saw here and there around the bus to find is there anyone watching me or not.

Went and sat on in one seat, person sitting beside me sarcastically told

leave it boss I gave fifty rupees note and got same treatment from him”.

    The Anger of one person is affecting aroma of entire atmosphere, if we think we can take control of another person through anger then we are predominantly wrong.

    Why do we get angry?

If we ask this question to others we get different answers... He/she
doesn't listen to me, he/she is not obeying me, and they are doing things which I never like etc., these answers may vary but there is only one reason behind this anger.

    Of course everyone gets angry, but the consequences we face because of our angriness are relatively more when compared to other feelings what humans have. Anger has an ability to make any situation into chaos.

    According to me the reasons behind anger are very few; once we understand this anyone can overcome it. The first and foremost reason behind anger is, giving importance to 'I' yes its ego!

    There are two ways in which anger can be ignited. First, it can be ignited by ourselves and second is by others. Getting angry due to others is absolutely insane.

    Lot of time we would have heard this "He is making me angry". When we magnify this we get blissful truth. The truth is, why we should get anger because of others innocence. Getting angry is more or less equivalent to punishing ourselves for no cause.

    How we can prevent or handle this anger?

There is a small technique which we can use when we get angry that is doing nothing, it is controlling our activities and words in that situation. This helps us to move over the situation and does not lead to any worst circumstances. We are the master of our own state.

    But I will not say controlling our anger is ultimate remedy. There are lot many difference between preventing anger and avoiding anger.

    How we can avoid anger?

It is achieved only by knowing the truth. It requires lot of effort to control any situation which we dislike, but only very minimal amount of effort is needed to avoid such situation.

    When a person says that you are a stupid, obviously we get angry, because the problem what most of us have was, we accept that "I am a stupid" and start questioning ourselves

"how come he can talk bad about me? and what he said may be correct, that too he is telling in front of everybody. What others think of me? I cannot tolerate this." these thoughts will make us get angry.

Instead we can think and react in this manner.

"I am not going to be a stupid if this person says so. And I am damn sure that I am not a stupid."

These thoughts would avoid getting angry. When we withdraw our ego and start believe in ourselves we can avoid anger.

    Another way to avoid anger is, understanding others situation. Suppose what happens when the
computer slows down or hanged when we are seriously working?

    Yes, obviously we get frustrate and most of them kick CPU hard or hit keyboard keys hard with anger. Nothing should obstruct us when we are focusing or concentrating in something.

    Let us take MTC experience now. The conductor who scolded me was doing his job from early
morning interacting with all sorts of passengers. It is because of me who made uncomfortable in what he does.

     If we know the situation of that conductor probably we may not get anger. It is always better to keep our environment clean to avoid mosquitoes instead of using mosquito net and mosquito repellents to prevent. Likewise, it is always better to avoid angry instead of preventing it.



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