I was travelling in MTC bus, wanted to go to Thiruvanmiyur. Gave hundred rupees note to the conductor to buy ticket. The moment I showed hundred rupees note, I saw horrifying facial expression from him. He gently opened his bag and showed it to me. I don’t have clue on why he is doing it at that moment. He shouted at me with frustration and anger. " Look, I don’t have any single penny for change, where will I go for change if everyone gives me hundred rupees note?" he said . Suddenly I understood the situation and told him " I have the change ". …I gave change to him, thought he would become calm and leave me this time, but still he doesn’t felt to leave me. Again he started shouting at me, saying " Though you have the change, but you are not giving it ". I felt so embarrassed after buying the ticket. I saw here and there around the bus to find is there anyone watching me or not. Went and sat on in one seat, person si...
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